Decided this morning to do a little email cleaning – always good for the IT karma. Deleted more than 1000 old emails. Whew!
Email can become a real problem if you let it. Right now because I am job hunting I am getting about 300-400 emails a day – yikes! So I decided to pull back – look at the emails that were of value and unsubscribe to those that are “just a hair clog” in the process.
Suggestions I made to myself:
1. If the first email from something I signed up for is bad – mmediately unsubscribe. They had their shot and they blew it.
2. If an email looks promising wait before making the “unsubscribe” or “keep” decision – but don’t hold off longer than you should if you find you need to “flush it”- remember the idea is the keep the pipe clean not clogged.
3. If an email is of value but not something I need to attend to right away – create a filter and filter it to a folder for later reading.
4. For the emails that are of value – keep them at the top of the inbox. Those the are actionable items.
Would love to hear suggestions on how you keep your inbox tamed!